Friday, April 10, 2009

Easter Bunny

Today we had girls shopping day. Me, Tori, Callie, Nana, and Sidda hit the town to find Tori the perfect shoes for her Easter dress. This is how todays shopping trip ended.

The Easter bunny was walking around the shopping center. You know big ears, big eyes, big smile,waving at all the kids, and had its easter basket full of candy for all the kids to get. So this happy bunny comes walking up to all of us and Callie and Sidda just bust out screaming as if they were dying. Callie was climbing on top of Nana just screaming with eyes as big as coke bottles. The bunny just sat the basket down and backed up like 10 feet so that the kids would just get their candy and it could go on. They refused the candy and we went to the car with the kids just staring at the bunny the whole time. We are leaving the shopping center and this is the conversation-

Sidda-"I not want the easter bunny to come to my house"
Me- "Sidda, why not?"
Sidda-"Dat was not da real easter bunny?"
Me- "How do you know?"
Sidda-"Cuz I wooked in hims eyes and hims was a man."
Me- "How do you know?"
Sidda- "Hims had holes in hims eyes.

I honestly thought that we were going to have to go back to the shopping center and buy me some new clothes because I thought that I had wet my pants. It was HILARIOUS!! So on that note, Happy Easter!

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