Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Girls Day!

I have officially been informed that I need to step up the blog. Well, I will try to and that is all I can promise.
Today Callie and I had a girls day. We met some of my best friends - Sarah, Rachel, Addy, and Claire bear for lunch at Grumpy's. It started out good. I went to get a high chair and Callie followed me. Callie got a piece of "Mexican fruit"- you know the painted clay kind and threw it on the floor. Yes you guessed it- It shattered everywhere!! I thought that I was going to die right there in the restaurant. Thank God for good friends or I think I would have cried. I was so embarrassed! Oh well- the unhappy waitress cleaned it up. That probably explains the reason that we had such bad service. It was so much fun just to spend some girl time! It makes me miss my friends more than ever. Callie and Addy just ran all over playing, it was so cute! I hope that they become as good of friends as me and Rachel have grown to be! After lunch, Sarah and I decided to have a shopping trip at The Salvation Army store. She was hunting a bird to spray paint for her spring display. I never in a million years thought that Princess Hinson would be in the Salvation Army Store. I should have taken a picture because no one will believe me. So I was on the bird search. There was so much crap everywhere but I was like the bird bloodhound. I was finding birds of all shapes and sizes. We found the prize winning bird and a few other bargains and then we were off to the Hobby Lobby. Sarah was trying to "spring up" her house. She is going to post some pics of finished products. Click here if you want to see some pics. Like always, all good things have to come to an end. So by this time it was time to pick up kids from school. I had such a fun, well deserved girls day out! Thank God for good friends:) Have a great day!

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