Sunday, April 19, 2009

HGTV Swafford Style!

This has been such a productive weekend at our house. So bad that Adam has decided that he has to go back to work so that he can rest- haha! We started on Friday with my night stands- keep in mind that we inherited these from my parents when we got married. They bought them when they got married 27 years ago. They should be antiques. I am not completely finished but will just leave you pondering. I will post the after tomorrow.


Then on Saturday it was busy. Callie and I got up at 9am and went to the Bloomin Festival Arts and Crap Show as Tori says. I thought that it was super disappointing this year. Tori and Superdad had ball practice. Then we all met back up at the house at 12 and Callie took her usual 3 hour nap. Tori and I decided that this was perfect timing for us to spruce up her room. Tori does not do well with change so I bribed her with a trip to Hobby Lobby for her to pick out some stuff . It worked. So we got home from there and started painting. Here is that finished product- except for the round table cover and some more decorative pillows. I am working on that:)

Now it is Sunday afternoon and we went to church this morning, cleaned house like mad people, and are now exhausted. But the house looks much better and is slowly and I do mean slowly coming together. Have a Great Day!!

1 comment:

  1. Oh girl, something must be in the water around here. The redecoranging bug has bit you too! I love everything and I can't wait to see the bedside table reveal!!! :>
