Thursday, April 16, 2009

Today I decided to get crafty while Callie took her afternoon nap. I dusted off the sewing machine and book and went to town. I had bought these Carters overalls at the thrift store for $0.88 thinking that I could do something with them. So today was the day. For the first time ever I sewed. I put a ruffle on the bottom, a patch on the pocket, made 2 orange with white polka dot bows for the straps, and an orange hairbow to match. The final result-------

I was so proud of myself. I mean I did it all by myself.
So tomorrows project is- drum roll please- to paint Tori's room. My mom and I picked out her room color yesterday. It is a really pretty green. I am going to put some pink polka dots on the wall and it will look really cute with her striped curtains. I will post pictures of that tomorrow. So until then I am going to rest up. Have a great night!

1 comment:

  1. Absolutely beautimous!!! I can't wait to see Tori's room!
