Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Just so that everyone knows and has fair warning- If you come by the house and see fumes coming out of every crack and crevice, it's ok. I am just going to set off a Lysol bomb. I HATE THE FLU!!! I am so sick of this and wish that God would not think that I am this strong. He is really pushing my boundries. Ok, now on to my update.

Tori has been a small bit puny since last Friday. I am such a good mom that I told her it was a cold and that she would be fine. Then on Monday she was still sick and well I decided that it was time to go to the doctor. You would think that since their pediatrician was my boss that I would be better about taking them to the doctor BUT I am not. So $25 copay and 1 hour later the result is not only does she have the Flu (not the swine flu and yes they did test her) but also Mono. So, she spent the night with Nana and Super trying to prevent the rest of our house from getting it. Then today, Callie goes to sleep for her nap at 10:30am and wakes up at 1pm. Guess what, she is scolding hot:) Her temp was 101. So another copay and 1 hour later. The results were in- the flu!! What have I done to deserve this???? God must think that I am a pretty strong woman, but I may have to talk to him about this.

Please continue to pray for Kayleigh and Stellan. They are still in need. Kayleighs parents are hoping to get to take her home to her room for her remainding time on Earth. Doctors have determined that she has no cerebral cortex function. She will just be able to breathe. Just keep them in your prayers.

I will try to do a better job blogging, but keep in mind that both girls are sick!!!

1 comment:

  1. Glad to know you're still alive, I missed you! Take care and call me if you need some hamburger helper!! <3 ya sis
