Tuesday, May 5, 2009


Apparently God thinks that I am one heck of a woman! He doesn't think that my plate is full enough! We are very proud to announce that we will be having another baby in December or January!!!! For all you asking- no it was not planned by us, but by God! We are super excited about the plans that he has in store for our growing family. :)
On to the other people in the family.
Today is the clay shoot that Adam has been coordinating for months now. I am so proud of him for taking this huge leadership role. There have been very stressful night at our house but that will all pay off today! Tori is back up and feeling better. She should be able to play ball tomorrow night. She has this really big plan for the new baby. She is going to watch it during the day and Callie at night since she sleeps all night. Isn't that a brilliant plan??? Callie well she is just Callie. She has learned how to say happy. Everything is happy. This weekend she learned how to say Poppy- which is what she calls Adam's dad. It is so cute. She just melted his heart. Well, That is the latest and greatest on us. Have a great day!!

1 comment:

  1. Congratulations Swafford Family, I am so excited about the new baby! And Tori, I think your plan is brilliant. I always knew you were a smart girl! ;>
