Saturday, March 28, 2009

Busy Girls!

I have had a very busy week and want to catch back up! Our crazy softball life is about to go full swing~1st game is Monday against the best team of course. We will see how well these practices have paid off. Adam turned 26 last week. He is currently in Lowe's gift card heaven. Callie is finally starting to feel better. She now has a sinus infection that is just some lingering effects of the flu. Which might I add that I don't wish on my worst enemy!!! It was awful.

I am so excited about tonight at church. We are having an Outdoor Expo as a men's outreach and then Rick Burgess of the Rick and Bubba show will be speaking. I have always wanted to hear him speak. It will be great! I am going to try and do a better job of blogging this week!

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