Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Excitement Kids!!

I am so excited. My day has been wonderful and everyone should know it. This morning I woke Tori up at 6:45 am and there was NO fight. She was wonderful!! She got out of bed, in the shower, dressed and had a smile on her face the whole time. We even had enough time to go by the Duchess Donuts and get donuts to eat. It was great! Then, my wonderful husband that doesn't get enough credit, has called TWICE just to make sure I am having a great day. I am beginning to wonder if he has something up his sleeve. :) Callie has been wide open since 7 am. Needless to say, I am going to be one pooped girl tonight. No one will have to rock me to sleep thats for sure.

Now on to softball talk. Tori's team AKA- The Pink Panthers won their game last night 8-7. It was great. Adam is coaching and you would have thought that he had won the World Series. It makes me smile so big to see what a wonderful daddy he is. He would do anything for his girls. They have no idea how blessed they are to have such a wonderful father and role model. I could not be prouder. I am truly one blessed person.

Do you ever just have those days that you look at your life and just think about how great you have it. As you can tell, I am having one of those days. As a mommy at the age of 16 that was thinking my life was over, giving it up to God, and look at all I am today. He is an awesome God.
Sorry to get all sappy here but that is how I feel today. I hope everyone has a wonderful Wednesday!!

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