Wednesday, March 18, 2009


Ok, so I fell off the blogging bandwagon.
Here is the low down- Tori had ball practice yesterday and I really think her team might be pretty good. Callie and I were there watching (as much as I could with her running around). Then out of nowhere at about 6:00 Callie just got fussy. I tried everything- letting her swing, going to the car to watch a movie, juice, food, driving around, and even Tylenol. Nothing worked. Finally at 7:45 after nearly 2 hours of crying, I called her doctor. At 900She met me at the office and long story short she has the FLU. Thank God we are really good friends with her doctor. It just blows me away that this can happen so fast. I felt so bad because during our drive we ran into some of our good friends and stopped to talk. She had Addy with her- who is 2 and then a 2 month old at home. I had no idea that she was sick or I sure would not have exposed everyone. Oh Well, there is nothing I can do about it now. So today I have been taking care of a sick and clingy 15 month old. I have gotten absolutely nothing done around the house. Ok, she is yelling for me now so that is all for today. Have a blessed day!!:)

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