Thursday, March 12, 2009


How can something this cute act sooooo ugly??? I have no clue where she gets it from. It must be her daddy. HA!! So with that said, if you see us out in public and this little angel is having a fit- she doesn't have problems just a terrible temper. She thinks that if she doesn't get what she wants then she should have a throw down. Like lay in the middle of the floor and kick, scream, and beat her head on the floor. OFFICIAL TANTRUM! It is so embarrassing. This puts a new meaning to looks can be deceiving. Oh well, maybe it is just a phase and when she realizes that we all just carry on with our day while she throws down then she will stop. She also has no clue of how to share. Here is a little video-

She will do anything to not share. Another thing that we hope is just a phase.

This has been our first full week of softball for Tori. She is doing so good. I am going to have to do a full post on just her. She is so smart. The past 2 weeks they have been doing practice SAT's. She has made the highest in her class everytime. What a genius!! She is also the only grandchild on both sides that made all A's on her report card. Her lowest average was a 93. The scary part is that she barely studies. I mean we do all of our homework and study but it just seems to come so natural to her. I am such a proud mama! She is smart and athletic- what more could I want!! Have a wonderful day!!!

1 comment:

  1. I guess Callie picked up some bad habits when she visited Addison. I don't think Addison is growing out of it. It is just part of her personality.
