Monday, April 6, 2009

Not so Sleeping Beauty!

So this has officially been one of the craziest weekends ever. Callie has decided to never sleep through the night- Friday night we went to bed at 4 am and was draggy all day on Saturday but had no time to nap. We started the day off with ball practice from 9:30-11:00, then Easter Egg Hunt from 12-2, and then my niece Sidda was in a pageant that started at 1:30. So I left the girls at the egg hunt with my parents and went to the pageant. They did not crown any winners until the very end. So we left the pageant at 3:30. We finally came home and Callie and I crashed for what I thought would be a short nap. When we woke up at 8:10, I was terrified that we would have another sleepless night. I was on the verge of a breakdown so we sent the girls to their Nanna and Poppy's. (I know it is wrong to do that but they were so pumped!!) Adam and I got back home at 9:30 and went back to sleep. I slept all night until 8:00 on Sunday. We met Nanna, Poppy, and the girls at church to find out that Callie went to sleep at 11pm and slept all night. I swear she makes me look like such a liar sometimes. She must have been just as tired as we were. I guess I truly was exhausted since I slept a whopping 14 hours. After some much needed rest and I am feeling like a new person. Thank You Nanna and Poppy!! I hope you all have a great day!

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