Thursday, May 21, 2009

Put Your Big Girl Panties On!!!

What a boring life I live!!! On Monday, I got a note home from school saying that there had been a fifth's disease outbreak and that she needed to avoid pregnant women. Um, I hate to break the news, but that is a little hard for us to do. I am her mom and I am pregnant. So...... I sent her to Nana's house until atleast Saturday. Thank God for good Nana and Super's. I can't wait to get my Tori Lou back at home. Today I found out that Tori made all A's. Thank the Lord for some Vyvanse. She should be the poster child for it.

She wants to be just like her daddy!!! Is this face not just to die for??? Last night, Callie kept taking off her diaper so I thought that she might enjoy wearing big girl panties. She wore them for 2 whole hours. I was super excited. Then I went in there and picked her up to put her on the potty and said "Callie do you need to pee pee?" and she peed all over me. Lesson learned- don't mention pee pee until they are on the potty. Who cares- my 18 month old wore big girl panties for 2 hours accident free.:) Have a good day!!

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