Thursday, May 14, 2009


Why do all men (atleast mine) think that they do no wrong??? Well, WAKE UP because you do!!! So today was Tori's birthday and we of course had a double header. Adam decides that this is perfect timing to let Tori play catcher. Keep in mind the child has never even put on the gear, let alone catch the ball. He yelled at her like nobody's business. I was so mad. In my mind he should have:

  1. Practiced her a this position before hand
  2. Worked in the yard some showing her what to do
  3. NOT played her there at all!!!

I was very angry to say the least. SOOOOO, guess what happens????? Drum Roll Please! She got hurt and spent her night crying. What a smart move by the Softball God!!! Happy Birthday Tori from your coach/dad!!! Wasn't that such a nice gift? But when we get home I get chewed a new one for sticking up for my baby. Isn't that like in the parenting instruction manual???? So this whole disasterous situation is of course all MY fault!!! Who would have guessed! Not me! So now I have VERY politely informed the Softball God that I am not talking to him because if I want to talk to God then I will get on my knees and have a quiet little chat. Which I am going to do! I need a GREAT BIG dose of him right now. I am so overwhelmed that I can't tell you which way is up!

Onto a better note- I went to my doctors appointment today. I did not get to see her but got the history and all down pat. I also met the OB vampire (aka-lab girl) and she drew 5 tubes of blood. I also found out that, yea me I weigh the same as I did when I found out that I was pregnant with Callie bug. I go in 2 weeks for an ultrasound and to see the doctor. 10 years ago today I was delivering my first and now I am at the doctor patiently waiting on the third.

Anyways this morning I do believe was crazy. I got up and took Tori to Duchess Bakery for some donuts. I dropped her off at school after the most perfect morning that a mom could ask for and drove out of the school line. With Tori completely out of sight began sobbing uncontrollably. Like so bad that I had to pull off the road and get myself together. It hit me like a ton of bricks that my sweet baby is 10. I mean double digits. Huge milestone!!! Holy Crap! I just thought of what a sweet young lady that she is becoming. They grow up entirely too fast. In 10 more years she probably won't be living in my house with me. I will probably still be paying for it at a college somewhere but won't physically be there. OMG- as Tori says. I was just sobbing. Then after I started driving again, I started crying again. I was sitting at a red light laughing at myself for crying over such a happy day in our lives. I had to call Softball God at work just to tell him to laugh at me and tell me to get over it. She is going to make such a wonderful wife and mother someday. She makes me proud everyday and is such a wonderful example for her little sister.

Tori (as tears are rolling down my face)- I am so proud of you for everything that you do. You are becoming such a wonderful young lady. I know that I don't tell you this enough, but I am so blessed that God chose me to be your mom. When He gave you to me I thought that He was crazy and now could not imagine my life without you. I now realize that He has a bigger plan for each of us. Through you He has showed me His love, strength, and mercy. It is because of you that I will be in Heaven someday dancing with you. You have led me to Him and I truly believe that was in His plans. You are truly my little miracle and as you used to tell me, "I LOVE YOU TO THE CEILING!" Happy 10th Birthday Baby!!!!

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