Tuesday, May 12, 2009

When 1 heart stops another starts!!!

I know that my blog has been slacking and I need to get it back together, but with all that is going on right now I am just trying to get throught the days. The only spare blog time that I have would be at like midnight and well my sleep is more important. Let baby 3 get here and you will think that I have gone blog psycho. I am going to nurse and blog at the same time:)

Anyways, I just wanted to ask everyone to PLEASE keep little Kayleighs family in your prayers. Kayleigh went to be with Jesus last night and no one could imagine what this poor family has and is going through. We all know that she is no longer sick and is better off than all of us but that does not take away the pain. So tonight when you tuck your kids in bed and kiss them goodnight just say an extra prayer for them because they will not be able to do that again.

Tori and the Pink Panthers won their ball game last night. It was such a good game. Tori smacked the ball. She has also been offered to play on a travel fall ball team. I am so excited and she is too. I love being at the ball field. I may not be saying that when I am big, fat, and pregnant sitting there but for now I love it.

Callie, well she is just Callie. She is going through this biting stage. She has gotten 4 spankings for that. She is just wild all the time. She has been going around saying pappy, happy, and baby. She is so much fun to watch. She has this doll stroller and just pushes it everywhere. I just hope that baby 3(peanut) doesn't end up in that stroller one day. Oh the joys that we have to look forward to. Oh well, it will only make him/her stronger.

I get to go to the doctor on Thursday and have my lab work done and hopefully get to hear the beating heart of "little peanut" as we call it. I am over the initial shock and our family is soooo super excited. We cannot wait for the arrival of this baby. But, we are going to have to wait an externity it seems like. That is the only problem about finding out soooo soon. On another note- Sam took his first 5 steps yesterday. Yea for answered prayers!!! God is good! Ok, that is all I can type for now. God Bless!!!

1 comment:

  1. HOORAY, I'm so glad you're back! I can't wait to see baby peanut in the doll stroller. We'll let baby #2 watch baby #3 so Mommy will still have time to blog! Love ya sis :)
