Sunday, September 27, 2009


I am feeling the need to vent. So, if you don't want to hear me complain well this post is not for you.

So, on Friday a person close to me gets checked out of school(not Tori) and that night, yes, that night they decided that he might have the flu. My thought, you check out of school and there are Urgent cares open, then go to the Urgent Care and leave the ER's for true Emergencies. SOOOOOOOOO, they load up and go to the ER. What part of flu= Emergency????? But whatever:) Maybe the person that is having a true emergency won't die while they treat you for your flu like symptoms. Who the hell am I to judge???? Right!?!?!?! So ER doc says, "What do you want me to do for the flu??" (I am laughing on the inside when I hear all of this) I love a doc that thinks like me. The flu was negative but they were told that there is a virus going around that mimics the flu symptoms so there is nothing to do but Tylenol and Motrin to treat the fever. Contagious until fever/symptom free for 24 hours and gets a school excuse until Wednesday, September 30th. WTF are you doing at dinner on Sunday afternoon when I know damn good and well that at 7 pm Saturday you were still running a fever. What part of 24 hours do you not get people????? It is not rocket science. Apparently the ER doc should have given you a prescription for being stupid. I mean what is so hard about that to understand? I have 2 girls that don't want your funk- flu or not- and I am 25 weeks pregnant and know that this funk is not healthy for me or my unborn peanut. When my family gets sick, I am going to send you a damn bill for my copays. I am really proud that you don't have to pay these but my family does. We don't need your crap so please use your head and stay your butts at home. It irritates me when people say that you care about us and then pull this crap. No you don't or you would want us to be healthy and not feel like crap. I am sorry that you and your people are sick but as part of your pity party don't come crying to me. I know that this free meal is more important to you than my families health but if you would have called I would have dropped the food off at your house or ordered you pizza because that would have been cheaper than my copays. So, now that everyone knows that I am truly a germ freak and can't stand inconsiderate people, I am feeling better and I hope that your weekend has not been near as crazy as mine. I hope that this week is better:)

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