Friday, September 11, 2009

Yard Sale Junky:)

Today has been wonderful. I got up at 6:30am which is early for me and got ready for the day. I dropped Tori off at school, went and picked my mom up at her house, and then off to the 10 mile yard sale. YES, I did say 1o miles worth of other peoples trash. I turned on the road and HOLY COW, there were cars for miles down both sides of the road and people were just having to park and walk. Now really what 5 month prego wants to walk 10 miles and carry all of the crap that I buy. Umm, not this girl. So I just drove on and got the stroller out. We went to this one sale where apparently this lady used to own a childrens store that had recently gone out of business. Score 1 point for the prego. I found peanuts baby bedding set. It is by Cocalo and is called Monkey Business. I got the comforter, bumper pads, sheet, valance, lamp shade, 2 decorative pillows, 5 piece wall hangings, blanket, and diaper stacker all still NEW and STILL IN THE ORIGINAL PACKAGING for $25.00. Woot Woot!!! 2 points for the prego. Callie got a stuffed Elmo and was the happiest kiddo alive. 3 points for me. Anyways, I have to show you the bedding.

This has been such a huge stress relief for me. I know that a yard sale is not exactly where you want to brag about getting your babies bedding but I am so proud of myself!!!! Anyhow I have to run for now and I will finish this later. Have a wonderful day.


  1. ***SqUeAl!!!*** I LOVE the bedding. You scored major points for getting it at such a deal! I see a very cute nursery in your future!!!
    God's blessings, Sarah :D

  2. Just saw your bog makeover... LOVE IT!!!
